Hello! If you're reading this right now, this site is still heavily WIP!
There's a story to be told here, hopefully it'll be up soon...
Please stay tuned for when it does! ^u^
- tears
(Your Name)
holidays are saved for author posts. should the stuff beneath the actual titles be actual short summaries? no yeah
to anybody coming across this page im just talking to myself sorry its easier to think that way
my original idea was gonna be shakespeare quotes idk
October 7th, 2022
Life has been hell, and I've been trying to tackle all of my IRL responsibilities while also making this site and planning out the series parts. Why is October such a stressful month suddenly?
This site is definitely going to undergo some cleanup in the mean time- especially considering how awful it looks on mobile. I'll be working on it, I swear! I never really got into coding before making this site, if that's any good defense. It'll definitely look nicer in the future once I get a chance to make it look nice and pretty. The site's functional right now, though, so .
I'm still working on polishing a lot of aspects of the plot-- I anticipate I'll finish the series entirely by December, we'll see how good my word is on that!
Thank you so for your patience and for taking looks at the site in the meantime!! It means the world to me!
Hello! If you're reading this right now, this site is still heavily WIP!
There's a story to be told here, hopefully it'll be up soon...
Please stay tuned for when it does! ^u^
- tears